THANK YOU A WHOLE BUNCH Steve. I appreciate what you are doing.
     As a friend use to say " Blessings on you ", Virg

     On 6/16/2015 11:55 PM, Steve G. via KRnet wrote:
> Can we please put this to rest. While there have been issues with plans and 
> availability both on of our parts I cannot say that all of that was Jeanette. 
> It is a 45 mile trip each way for me to get plans. I was only getting a few 
> at a time which made it difficult especially with my work schedule. I took a 
> break after the gathering last year because of all the BS and whining 
> regarding KR stuff and needed a breather.
> Any current plans orders will be filled shortly. We are nearly caught up on 
> parts orders so the wait times should not be as much as before. I am spending 
> more time at the hanger since purchasing Ellison Fluid Systems and we are 
> beginning to produce new carburetors as well as provide overhaul service. 
> Keep in mind I still work a regular job. It is 8:40 pm my time and I am just 
> getting off work and heading to the hanger.  I am voice writing this email as 
> I drive.
> Jeanette Rand is a great lady and has given most of her life's to the KR 
> design.  While many may not have agreed with how she has done business, she 
> has always been honest and provided what was ordered. I think any public 
> bashing is not necessary or appreciated.
> Anyone is free to bash away regarding me or nV Aero. As most know, I could 
> give a rats ass. I will get people's orders as quickly as I can.  But again 
> keep in mind I have to work a real job and this is typically about when I get 
> off work every day after starting about 530 in the morning. The KR business 
> has never paid for itself. It has always been out-of-pocket. I do it because 
> I love the design and believe in having an affordable plane for the average 
> guy.  If you have ordered parts they will come I can assure you. Hopefully 
> things will come a bit sooner now.
> Steve Glover

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