On 2/23/2014 4:10 PM, brian.kraut at eamanufacturing.com wrote:
> This means I need an Android program.  To
> complicate things further I would like ADS weather on my tablet and my
> GRT EFIS and not all the ADS hardware will work with GRT and not all
> will work on every Android program.

Hi Brian,
     Check out "Avare" on the Android platform.  It does all of the 
usual things we've come to expect and it claims to support ADS-B 
devices, best of all it is free.

     You will have to ask about dual use of the ADS-B unit, but I am 
using a SkyRadar D unit that talks Wifi to my iPad running WingX and USB 
to a GRT HX EFIS at the same time, so it may be possible to do this with 




Dj Merrill - N1JOV - VP EAA Chapter 87
Sportsman 2+2 Builder #7118 N421DJ - http://deej.net/sportsman/
Glastar Flyer N866RH - http://deej.net/glastar/

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