Everyone will have a different opinion on this.

I am about to restart my IFR training and I want to go paperless so I
need to get a tablet.  Foreflight so far is the best program, but it
only runs on Apple, but since I have an Android phone and won't get an
Iphone that means that I would have two different systems.  I won't go
paperless and fly IFR without a backup and using Foreflight on a tablet
with a separate subscription for a different program on my phone does
not sound good either.  This means I need an Android program.  To
complicate things further I would like ADS weather on my tablet and my
GRT EFIS and not all the ADS hardware will work with GRT and not all
will work on every Android program.  Needless to say, I am still no
closer to finding what I am going to buy than when I started.  I really
like the Garmin Pilot app, but it only works with their ADS receiver and
they won't share their data format so that GRT can use it on their EFIS.

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