Samantha Jane (?) wrote:

> Mark check to make sure the panel is not too thick and preventing the unit 
> connecting to the cage.I had a KLN that did the same thing it looked like 
> it was in but it wasn't  Hope it helps Mark

I thought of this earlier this afternoon while writing an explanation of 
what it was doing for Dene.  I had written that I had verified power to the 
main board because I could access the fingers that engaged the electrical 
connector...but really I only verified the bottom set...I couldn't access 
the top set.  And waaaaaiiiiit a minute...why can I see 1/8" of printed 
circuit board connector finger exposed???  That was easy enough to test, so 
I removed the radio, then the connector, and tried it with no tray in 
between, and the radio lit right up and worked fine!  PARTY!  So I put it 
back together in the tray without screwing down the connector, and slid up 
nice and tight and worked perfectly again, but I needed a spacer between the 
connector and the tray (screwed on from the inside, for some reason).  Then 
it occurred to me that on the previous installation I'd stuck the tray 
through the panel, and on this one I stuck it to the back of the panel. 
There's the .105" difference, and that little bit was enough to keep all of 
the pins from engaging the radio's main PC board.  I made some spacers, 
reinstalled everything, and it works great!

Problem solved, and things are back on my pathetic schedule to get this 
thing back in the air...

Mark Langford
ML at
website at

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