
           What    |Removed                     |Added
             Status|UNCONFIRMED                 |RESOLVED
         Resolution|---                         |FIXED
   Version Fixed In|                            |5.3.0

--- Comment #11 from ---
Thanks for the report.

Video support is currently disabled in this bundle, until we found a more
simpler way to handle video format thatn QT5::Multimedia.

With this framework under Linux, GStreamer is used in background and it's a BIG
puzzle to bundle. Impossible to do . Under Windows and OSX, Qt5::multimedia
delegate the video to extra codec that user need to install as extra packages.

We plan to use a solution based on FFMpeg, but it's not yet done. Perhaps for
5.4.0 or 5.5.0 release.

About the possible preview improvements, open a new file in this bugzilla.

By the way that AppImage fix the problem with USB notification about
SDCard/camera support, this can give you a solution for this entry without to
report this problem as UPSTREAM to Kubuntu team.

Gilles Caulier

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