--- Comment #22 from Mario Frank <> ---
(In reply to caulier.gilles from comment #21)
> To comment #13 :
> "Moreover, I found some function calls in the code that seem to be
> superfluous. I did not remove them, but only set a comment @ODD."
> I take a look to the patch #103144. The commented code with @ODD :
> +    // @ODD : Why is singleton set to true? resetAlbumsAndTags already
> clears the selection.
>      d->albumSelectors->setPAlbumSelected(album, true);
> +    // @ODD : Why is singleton set to true? resetAlbumsAndTags already
> clears the selection.
>      d->albumSelectors->setTAlbumSelected(album, true);
> I think this kind of singleton selection exist due to some problem seen
> while porting from Qt4 to Qt5. I don't remember exactly.
> Check if this argument need to be set to true really, as the model have been
> adjusted previously.
> Check also where these methods are used outside similarity code to see if
> this argument need really to exists.
> Gilles Caulier

Hey Gilles,

I would implement the context menu item Find Duplicates for face tags to lead
to the selection of normal tags. Introducing a face similarity search is far
more complex and could be added to the wishlist. I agree that this should be
included in the handbook.

Concerning the superfluous code: Since the code currently works, I would
postpone the cleanup for after the release of 5.4. 
I still have two patches in my working branch which I want to merge today.
After that, I want to make some more tests under different conditions.


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