--- Comment #21 from ---
To comment #13 :

"Moreover, I found some function calls in the code that seem to be superfluous.
I did not remove them, but only set a comment @ODD."

I take a look to the patch #103144. The commented code with @ODD :

+    // @ODD : Why is singleton set to true? resetAlbumsAndTags already clears
the selection.
     d->albumSelectors->setPAlbumSelected(album, true);

+    // @ODD : Why is singleton set to true? resetAlbumsAndTags already clears
the selection.
     d->albumSelectors->setTAlbumSelected(album, true);

I think this kind of singleton selection exist due to some problem seen while
porting from Qt4 to Qt5. I don't remember exactly.

Check if this argument need to be set to true really, as the model have been
adjusted previously.

Check also where these methods are used outside similarity code to see if this
argument need really to exists.

Gilles Caulier

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