Penguina wrote:

> On Thu, 31 May 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> Daniel Bravo wrote:

>>>     Well, if American teenage college movies showed
>>> the good side of fraternities and sororities, I don't
>>> think that they would be too entertaining.  Just keep
>>> in mind that there are two sides to every coin.
>> Oh, I don't know. I could set a tearjerker to a background
>> of a group of GoodHearted Fraternity Kids who are trying to
>> save a Poor School, vs a Heartless Corporation trying to get
>> the land for some Soulless Shopping Mall.
> You can trivialize the issue all you want, people.

1. I trivialised American Movie Culture, not 'the issue'.
2. 'the issue' that Daniel and I were discussing is actually my 
ignorance of American fraternities, and the fact that American
Movie Culture tends to depict them badly.

Neither of us intended at all to trivialise /your/ issue, which
appears to be fraternities-who-rape. Both of us are ignorant
of your issue, it seems, though to different extents. 

Please don't get angry at side threads, that's really rather

Thank you.

Jenn V.
     "Do you ever wonder if there's a whole section of geek culture
             you miss out on by being a geek?" - Dancer.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]     Jenn Vesperman

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