Hello all,

Just a stray two cents US ...

I've seen (and worked under, or have had friends/family do so) a fairly
broad range of computer/IS/IP policies from

You, the employee, may not use any part of the computer for any
non-explicitly work related function. (May not use the CD drive for music
even with no software loaded, may not get any mail lists other than for the
specific work, such as this one, and so on.) Any violation to be grounds for
immediate termination and possible criminal proceedings. This is for DOD
employees and I think its a bit extreme, particularly as its backed up with
constant surveilance of all computer use.

Any and all IP created by the employee is automatically, and irrevocably
property of the employer. Including work in completely unrelated fields.
Such as fiction, journal articles in history or sociology, software for
games, etc when the company was a biotech firm. (This was a *very* nasty one
and was eventually struck down)

You are allowed to use the following machine. You may not install any
software, hardware, accessories or other parephenalia associate with the
machine. (Including headphones, free anything, macros of your own making,
wallpaper and so on.) If you require any additional computer related items,
fill out a form, have it approved by your supervisor, his manager and we'll
put it in our files. Including for software and hardware absolutely required
to do your job. (I worked here personally. It was sheer hell. I never did
have the tools to do my work except as I violated IS policy)

to where I work currently ...

Um, we're going to have to ask you to please cut back on your web radio use,
we're having bandwidth problems. When we have them solved, we should be able
to go back to it. *ahem* Yes, well, very different. If we break our
machines, IS has a tendency to make rude gestures and tell us to fix them.
(If we broke it, that is.) Generally I far and away prefer this stance. I
work my butt off here, often for 10-12 hours a day and on weekends. I like
working here. No one cares if I take 2 hours at lunch to go to the gym. It
all works out in the end and everyone knows it.

Personally, I'd *never* visit an adult site deliberately at work. I don't
like automatic reporting of porn site hits because they are so easy to do by
accident. (How does *transformer* get you a porn hit, I'd like to know.) Not
because its against company policy, but because I'd get harrassed out of my
cube by my coworkers. We deal with people doing stupid, wasteful things by
peer pressure. Hey, its my stock options which are going to be even more
useless if Joe Blow wastes all his time web surfing and not getting his work
done! I'm going to complain to him personally if I see him doing too much of
it. Forget IS and management, I'm gonna talk to the idiot myself. He's
wasting my money!

Sure I'll indulge in some occasional recreational web surfing, just as I'll
read this list and talk with some of my coworkers on AIM (about both work
and non-work topics) *shrug* But I was hired to do my work, not spend eight
hours a day sitting in my chair. Personally I'm just thrilled to be treated
like an adult, and for such, yes, I'll work the gross hours and sometimes
bleed myself white to get the job done. Go figure, just a bit of 'one rat
research' from the cube farm.

Ann Marie
/hardware geek, not software, but close/

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