Becky L. Norum:
> That California allows you to waive vaccinations is interesting.
> Especially regarding TB. Theoretically, if a child is vaccinated for the
> measles, s/he will be fairly safe even if an unvaccinated classmate gets
> it. But although there exists a vaccine for TB (BCG), I haven't heard of
> it being offered in the US (maybe people with infants know more?).
> Therefore, a child who has TB and is not tested poses a risk to his/her
> classmates.
In Norway a TB test in 1st grade is required, and all immigrants also
have to prove that they have a recent negative TB test. Later (at
the age of 13-14) a new TB test is taken and a BCG vaccine is given if
the test is negative. The vaccination program is not mandatory, but BCG
was compulsory until 1997. Since there is a notable increase in TB in
Western Europe (and probably rest of world), that was a bit strange.
In Norway the BCG is given to 13-14 year old children, but i may be
given earlier in certain cases. I guess they don't give it earlier
because this injection actually increase the risk of getting TB slightly
since it's living bacterias and a 14 y o probably has a better immune
deficiency than a 6 month old? However, if others in the class or in
family have TB they'll give the BCG anyway after testing to be sure the
child is not testing positive.
(All vaccines in the public vaccination programme are free for all
children and I also think they are free for immigrants who haven't been
through it. More info might be found at,
vaccination is in paragraph 147.)
After reading more about this issue I tend to feel that parents who, for
no proved health reason (like immune deficiency), except their children
from the vaccination programme are terribly irresponsible. Giving the
recommended immunization to the children should be a clear
responsibility in the society. Ignoring this increases the danger for
other children, who may have immune deficiencies and thus are posing
themselves to huge risks by getting certain vaccines because the rest of
the neighbourhood didn't get them, and to the children themselves, who
beacuse of their parents beliefs or philosophy are left in danger.
(Hm, sounds like a crime novel.)
Magni, who has even taken the boosts as an adult :)
sash is very good for you.
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