There is a debate board for this subject on My
recommendation is to read through their archives.
Where I live, there isn't much choice. Schools and daycares won't take
children who are not vaccinated. I am sure there must be some way out for
people who have medical reason to object, but the laws around here would
make it VERY hard to choose not to vaccinate.
Hope this helps,

-----Original Message-----
From: Conor Daly [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, January 26, 2001 5:27 AM
To: Issues (Linuxchix)
Subject: [issues] To vaccinate or not to vaccinate?

An issue has come up here in Ireland recently about the safety of various
vaccines.  In one incident, it came to light that a batch of poliomylitis
vaccine was prepared using products donated by a man who was subsequently
diagnosed with CJD (Creutzfeld Jacob Disease).  Other studies claim to
have detected a link between the MMR (Measeles Mumps Rubella) vaccine and
instances of autism.

Our current dilemma is to decide whether to vaccinate our 5-month old (who
is *terribly* cute! :-) or not.  I personally (as a scientist) am in
favour of vaccination but am conscious of the uncertainty inherent in
proclamations of safety since one can never be *sure* that something's
safe and that one instance that contradicts the safety of a vaccine is all
that's necessary to eliminate its *safe* status.  OTOH, I'm also aware of
the necessity to balance the risk of an adverse reaction to a vaccine
against the risk of suffering a serious side-effect of the relevant
disease.  For example, the Measles vaccine is reported to have a link with
Autism while the disease itself can cause blindness or death.  Now, in
each case, the risk is small (Though I don't know the numbers off-hand)
but which is the greater risk?  

My wife is even more unsure.  She's aware of the necessity to balance
risks too but says "You're damned if you do and damned if you don't."

I need more info myself.  Can anyone point me towards resources on the
subject, studies, impartiality, thoughts etc.


Domestic Sysadmin :-)
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