Erin wrote:
> I wonder how many of us are like this (bilaterally dominant, that is)... I
> write left-handed, play pool left-handed, but throw better and hold a
> hockey stick right-handed. I can write with both hands in different
> directions, backwards and upside-down. I can also wiggle my ears and curl
> my tongue but I don't think that factors into this discussion. ;^)
I'm _very_ like this. I'm basically left handed, but I do enough things
right handed that for a while I wondered if my teacher made a mistake
when I was 5 and that's why I wrote so badly.
But then I realised there are a lot of things I do left handed too. I
write left handed, I eat dessert left handed, I use a mouse right handed
(but I can use one left handed), I throw right handed, I favour the
right hand when catching, I wash dishes left handed, I hold beer cans
left handed, I eat mains (ie, with a knife and fork) right handed, I use
a joystick right handed, I turn book pages right handed, etc... :-/
Hmm, just re-positioned my glasses on my nose and I did that with my
right hand :-)
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