----- Original Message -----
From: Snarfblat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, February 21, 2000 2:12 PM
Subject: Re: [issues] YAFGA (Yet Another Female Geeks Article)
> does anyone dislike the idea of non platonic relationships in general?
> Anyone choose not to date and and such, using your time concentrate on
> other things?
I'm fighting with this quandary right now, although it's been an issue for
most of my life. As someone who's never done things halfway, I've alternated
long periods of celibacy with long periods in relationships. I now find
myself at the end of a seven year, uh... thing, and can't decide whether to
focus hard on my professional life (coming along well, but very demanding of
my time) and make do with some wonderful friends I've recently met (all of
them happily ensconced with SOs), or to take a little time for myself and
have some of the fun I denied myself when I was too young to realize the
value of youth?
At 35, I'm starting to realize how fleeting youth and health can be, and
though I don't have a biological clock, per se, I sure can hear *something*
ObGeekIssue: It might be interesting to some (it is to me, anyway) that,
were it not for my recent immersion in open source software, I'd probably be
jaded enough about the high tech racket here in Ottawa, that I'd be
perfectly happy to tone myself down to a mere 40 hour week, and to spend all
my remaining time running round, having fun.
Instead, I've spent nearly all my free time learning about this newfangled
stuff that <gasp> actually works, and convincing the president and VP Ops
that this is the direction the company needs to move in. I'm going to find
out tomorrow whether it's been worth it: We're about 80% certain that a
client is about to buy our very first 100% open source solution. Wish me
Dan McGarry
[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.linuxchix.org