>} Only if she wants to date a man ;)
>Hear, hear!

While we're at it, here's a random whinge...

Occasionally (less often than I used to, for this very reason (among
others)) I will meet an interesting-looking MOTSS and get chatting, until 
the topic of "what do you do?" comes up.  I tell them what I do, and 
almost invariably, their response is one of:

1. blank incomprehension (you mean you're not a student, a waitress, 
   a social worker, a drug dealer, or unemployed? uhh...)
2. political outrage (Computers are tools of the heteropatriarchy!)
3. fear and avoidance (Oh. Computers. I don't understand them. Bye.)

To put it mildly: this annoys me.

(Tangent: I just returned from 5 days interstate on business.  Our
technical director, who I also live with, informed me that there had
been phone messages from someone I was dating a year or more ago, and
that he wanted me to call her and get together with her in an effort to
improve my general sanity and wellbeing.  Now, I happen to know that she
lives in a share house full of left wing greenie/hippy/queer types.  Can
you see me wandering in there after work one night and bitching about
capital gains tax and its effect on the Australia stock market, or the
cashflow forecasts for next financial year, let alone the difficulties 
I'm having abstracting the presentation layer in my web log analysis
tool?  I didn't think so.)

Has anyone else experienced this?  Any advice?

If someone convinces me that there's sufficient crossover between the
SF/Bay Area queer community and the IT industry, I'll... well, I'll have
to try very hard to stop myself from swimming across the Pacific.

*sigh*  I need a life.


Kirrily Robert -- <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> --
Internet and Open Source Development, Consulting and Training
Level 13, 500 Collins St, Melbourne VIC 3000
Phone: +61 3 9614 0949  Fax +61 3 9614 0948


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