On Tue, 15 Feb 2000, srl wrote:
> Well, it might; in a society where money is power, if you promote
> computers as the way to get money, and girls learn to work with
> technology, then those females will advance in social status. But you're
> right, the current approach is very industry-focused. What will that get
> us? the 21st-century equivalent of secretaries--- low-level female geeks
> who aren't pioneering anything.
I don't know what this will add to the conversation here, but I found this
very interesting. Eagle and Mitsubishi made the Talon/Eclipse as a join
project. It was a simple sports car targetted at men who had just learned
to drive. Your basic sports car deal. But since the last big sports car
craze, more women had begun working and making their own money. They liked
sports cars, too. So they wanted to buy them. After realizing that "Hey,
women are a GOLD MINE", Chrysler (Eagle's parent company) dumped tons of
cash into finding out what women wanted in a car interior. The '95
Eclipses and Talons got this new interior first (and it has since been
integrated into other cars Chrysler makes). Window controls that don't
break longer finger nails, mirrors on both sun visors, etc. And it payed
off for both cars. Now, the Talon lost out since the Eclipse cost less and
was styled a bit better, but the car is doing well and has a large women
market it has captured.
And the moral is? Make up your own.
Bad Mojo <RPS Figurehead, ThinkPad Pope, SysAdmin>
"When I need to I hit people with the largest weapon I can find: the Earth."
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