#if srl
> [me]
> > I really can't bring myself to say that single sex schools are a
> > Good Thing, despite the obvious academic advantages.
> >
> > I agree with Sunnan. The costs of segregation are too high.
> As a graduate of a single-sex institution, i might agree with you; but
> what do you think the costs are? I want to hear your ideas before I post
> mine.
There are many problems which people repeat again and again, such
as mistrust / misunderstanding / fear of the opposite sex, missing
out on important interaction and being unable to interact when released
into the real world.
The truth is that while many of these sorts of reasons may be true
in some cases, it's actually quite usual for kids who attend single-sex
schools to have contact with the opposite sex outside of school hours.
So the reason I say 'costs' is that the above may apply in certain
cases, so that adds to the tally, but there is only one certainty
and that is that I find it reprehensible to segregate any parts of
a community on whatever criteria, especially those who have no choice
in the matter.
Children don't have a say in being segregated because they are subject
to the will of their parents. I was brought up in a liberal household
where my parents attempted, against their traditional instincts, to
allow me freedom of choice. For example, though my family are
theoretically Christian and it would have been normal for me to be
baptised at an early age, my parents instead decided that such
decisions should be made _by_ me, not _for_ me.
The main cost: Segregation, and not only that but enforced.
The other costs are secondary as they are not universal, but they
are still important to those who they affect, and to society in
285. Find beauty in the breakdown.
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