Sunnanvind wrote:
> This is just theories; I'm not fanatic; no angry replies just friendly, please,
> but:
> 1) I think that segregation (if taken to an extreme) will cause big
> differences between genders. Men will act and behave totally different from
> women in that society. If two groups behave differently, the day of "who's
> better/who's worse"-fights is bound to come along.

I think this is always the case.. not just enforeced segregation,
although it certainly applies there, but active, persued segregation.. 
In its many various forms..  cliques, clubs, exclusive organizations,
race, gender..   i think there are a lot of parrallels in all sorts of
social groups of any type.

> I also think that stuff that if taken to an extreme is bad, is bad even if not
> taken to an extreme. For example I think that drinking alcohol is bad since
> drinking extremely much alcohol is bad. I also think that drinking water is bad
> since drinking to much water will poison you and kill you :)

absolutely.  One thing I noticed lacking in these discussion, which
perhaps may just be my biased perspective, is the fact that nothing has
been mentioned concerning male upbringing and teaching.  Males
themselves are often codition to view women with a general sterotype..
sometimes very subtly, and as a second hand effect; other times
directly, and stated.  If there is to be some change is gender roles and
viewpoints..  it will have to involve the men.  I think men should be
the primary focus, as it seems that many of the problems in the female
world relative to tech fields, and gender issues are to blame on the
male side, which I seem to think is not recognized quite enough.

i dont know if that made sense..  just my 2 pennies.

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