On Thu, 6 Jan 2000, J B wrote:

> Tell me when a suitable candidate has run for president?

Well, how about we start with Vice-President? Geraldine Ferraro.

> If a female ran for president, and was either the most qualified or had
> the best stand on the issues, I would vote for her.  Is rascism the
> reason we have never had a black president?  Or an oriental president?

How many black or asian national-level (i.e. House or Senate or even
Governor) politicians do we have? The last one I remember was SI Hayakawa.
I happen to be living in a state where both senators are female; I don't
happen to like either of their politics.

Let's just say I'll believe there's no racism or sexism problems in
the US when a black woman from the south wins the presidential election
running as a Republican. ;)

_Deirdre   *   http://www.linuxcabal.net   *   http://www.deirdre.net
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"That's because the Martians keep shooting things down." -- Harlan Rosenthal
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