On Wed, Jan 05, 2000 at 03:12:33PM -0500 or thereabouts, Cat wrote:
I think you're quoting me, there, actually :) 
> > If at least some of the women in IT were able to report that they 
> > had received none of the shit that most people here are all too well 
> > aware of, that would be -really- cool. At the moment, most women 
> > who have posted to the thread have stories of discrimination based 
> > on gender rather than ability; and many of the men posting have seen
> > this in action, too.
> Hi everyone --
> In response to this paragraph, I would like to share my early and very
> positive experiences in the IT industry as a 23-year-old female.  I hear

And am I glad you did!

> so many bad things about what happens to women in this industry, and I
> fully understand that it would only be by the best of luck if I did not
> run into it eventually.  

Gosh, you sound almost like you're apologising for not having
encountered them. :) I'm glad you posted this. It was great to 
read, and brilliant to know that at least some people find 
cool work environments and meet people who don't think that
women into IT or CS are somehow strange. It makes it sound a lot
more hopeful when as well as there being something we're trying 
to get away from, there is something to point to and say "And 
that's what we're aiming for; and see, it's not an impossible
idea". :)

Thanks a lot.

> I said this would be long!  I felt I had to speak up, because we talk and
> talk about encouraging women into CS, but so often along with that the
> only discussion is of the problems associated with it.  We rarely talk
> about the good things that have happened to us, the things that *would*
> make women think CS might be a good place for them.  So, share!

Do :)


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