Darn.  Knew there was something I was omitting under "the Ugly".

I wasn't originally stating that women in general or women at linuxchix
specifically are pushing quotas ( and you're right, quotas are what's worrying
me ).  What I was trying to express is that I think complaining about
demographics leads to quotas which ( as you say ) are a *bad* quick-fix.  I'm
also worried about a lot of work and pain going into shifting the social
stereotype, but it still being the same old social stereotype only pointed in
a different direction and maybe having a bigger magnitude because people have
pushed hard for it.

My original post actually had little to do with linuxchix and a lot to do with
some 'academic' individuals statement in an article published on a peice of
dead tree.  I was (originally) looking to gauge opinion on the subject.

Incidentally, what TZ are you in?  Your replies come back quite quickly.

"Jenn V." wrote:

> WE are not advocating demographic 'quotas', NOR are we at ALL interested in
> pushing people into things they don't want to do.
> Please, PLEASE, read that last sentence. As many times as necessary.

Once was all it took :)  Well, maybe twice :)

> The quotas exist because Suits prefer quick-fix quotas to changing
> corporate culture - or their own attitudes.

Agreed.  Hence my comment above.

> They are NOT a creation of the women who are trying to get ourselves and
> our children a fair chance in the world.

Are you sure you speak for that entire group of women?
I see that they are not something you approve of.

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