On Tue, 14 Dec 1999, Nicole Zimmerman wrote:

> Personally, I don't think it's worth it to boycott amazon... but rather
> to deal with the real problem, the patent organisation itself. Amazon is
> taking advantage of putting a patent on something they feel is original
> material (and no, it's not just "click here to buy stuff", if you read
> the patent it's more than that)... at least they are going one step
> beyond most software patents: taking it to court. This will either prove
> that their patent really does suck, or give it some water.

For European chix, the EC is evaluating computer patents... many countries
(such as Italy) have changed their laws on informatic products from
copyright to patents (as is in the US). Well, patents are not a good
thing, you can tell from the amazon story (and the unisys/gif one, you
know you should pay 5K$ to unisys if you have gifs in your website? :-(

Just some links:

www.freepatents.org - european site about the issue

eu.conecta.it (workgroup on open source software for the European
Community - yes, they know it exists :-)

no-patents.prosa.it - italian site


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