It has been said in the slashdot thread that amazon might not allow such
comments in the author comments section, and/or RMS hasn't bothered
doing it to all of his own books that are listed there (and there are
quite a few).

Personally, I don't think it's worth it to boycott amazon... but rather
to deal with the real problem, the patent organisation itself. Amazon is
taking advantage of putting a patent on something they feel is original
material (and no, it's not just "click here to buy stuff", if you read
the patent it's more than that)... at least they are going one step
beyond most software patents: taking it to court. This will either prove
that their patent really does suck, or give it some water.

There are some good comments in the slashdot thread (if you wade through
the BS, as usual).


> >From: Richard Stallman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Date: Mon, 13 Dec 1999 23:07:02 -0700 (MST)
> >Subject: Boycott Amazon!
> >
> >Could you please forward this to the LDP?  If some of the participants
> >have written books that Amazon sells, it would be good to have some
> >of them put in Author Comments saying don't buy from Amazon.


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