> To be honest, I also was rather disgruntled by the lack of any women on
> the "50 Linux People" list. There are also a number of men I know who
> should have been included, but weren't (including, but certainly not
> limited to, kernel developers). But, that's the nature of "lists" --
> they're usually compiled by one or two people who usually have a limited
> perspective on the whole thing. Chances are it never crossed their
> minds that there were no women on the list.
In all seriousness, what would the criteria be? You could include the
editor of Linux Journal, but they're competitors (is she related to
you?), or the people who've organized the greatly successful Linux
conferences, even though they also have Microsoft related products. I
wasn't terribly disgruntled not to have made it on the list (really!),
but then, Linux isn't my whole life... but where would the criteria of
people who have aided Linux and Free Software in other fields have
come from?
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