Naomi Hospodarsky wrote:
> I've only been meandering
> around the Linux community seriously for about 8-12 months now....anyone
> out there have someone in mind that should make the list?
To be honest, this is one of the (many) things that prompted me to start
LinuxChix in the first place. I was just sitting around thinking one
day (as is my wont), and I tried to think of women who were associated
with Linux and Open Source. I came up with a couple of names (Tove and
Telsa), but was otherwise stumped. So I asked a couple of other people
who they could come up with, and if they could think of any, it was
either or both of the two I came up with.
I thought to myself at that point, "well that can't be right", and
started LinuxChix as a way to poke some other women out of the
proverbial ("virtual" if you will) woodwork.
Ta dah! There are a couple of hundred of us on the lists now, and some
are beginning to make names for themselves in the community. Kara
Pritchard, for example, has had her RHCE "Exam Cram" book published
(which has nothing to do with LinuxChix, of course, but she is out there
working 'for the cause' as it were). Kara also works on the User Group
section of
Kira and Rachie have started the website/portal, and I
know that kira has done some development work (to what extent, I'm
unsure). Kirrily's name tends to pop up every so often as well. Kelly
does GIMP development work. Deirdre, Elise, and others have also done
Linux-related work, although I'm not sure if that has included
development or not.
None of these I knew prior to starting LinuxChix, and these are only the
names that I've come up with off the top of my head -- I'm sure there
are others.
To be honest, I also was rather disgruntled by the lack of any women on
the "50 Linux People" list. There are also a number of men I know who
should have been included, but weren't (including, but certainly not
limited to, kernel developers). But, that's the nature of "lists" --
they're usually compiled by one or two people who usually have a limited
perspective on the whole thing. Chances are it never crossed their
minds that there were no women on the list.
- deb