On Mon, 29 Nov 1999, Robert Kiesling wrote:

>      Andrea as a male name is common in some countries. Italy is one 
>      of them. Andrea's a bloke. You're not the first to make this mistake: 
>      I think it's quite common. :)
>      Is there any way to see this list on the web, or do I have to 
>      wait for the paper version? I didn't find any visible links to
>      it.
> That's been pointed out to me already, but I somehow my reply didn't
> get to the list.  I stand corrected.  Apologies to you and the other
> person who corrected me, to HIM, and to Naomi, the original poster.

Which begs a question: why is it such an offense to refer to a male with
feminine pronouns, or vice versa? 


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