>Can we be more precise here? I don't think that cooperation is more of a
>"female trait" and that competition is more of a "male trait". Why do the
>two have to be mutually exclusive, or why are we talking about them like
>they are?
>I realize this is mostly a discussion about corporate practices, but that
>doesn't mean we have to resort to generalizations about "what men do" and
>"what women do".

I think the underlying assumption of the posts you refer to is NOT: 
Women are genetically cooperative and men are genetically competitive.

The underlying assumption/subtext is:  Women are raised in our 
culture to be cooperative, are rewarded for being cooperative and are 
discouraged, sometimes punished, for being competitive.  Men are 
raised in our culture to be competitive...

Yes, ideally, everyone could express themselves as they really are, 
but our culture has drawn very deep gender lines that are difficult 
to cross.  We're not categorizing;  we're describing the horrible 
reality and discrimination in our society.


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