On Tue, 9 Nov 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Deirdre Saoirse wrote:
> > 
> > Chris, it's not just an agree to disagree thing. It's that women emphasize
> > cooperation where men emphasize conquest. Self-interest is one thing, but
> > if you're going to go touting selfishness as a virtue, I'm not sure you
> > and I really ARE friends. Or can be.
> Yes. I recall something curious said on another thread where 'in competition,
> someone *wins*'.
> MY problem with that is that I prefer cooperation - where EVERYONE wins.

Can we be more precise here? I don't think that cooperation is more of a
"female trait" and that competition is more of a "male trait". Why do the
two have to be mutually exclusive, or why are we talking about them like
they are?

I realize this is mostly a discussion about corporate practices, but that
doesn't mean we have to resort to generalizations about "what men do" and
"what women do". 


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