Deirdre Saoirse wrote:

> (lots of nics stuff.....FOLKS EXCUSE MY SHITTY WEEK PLEASE)
> (It should not have SPREAD TO OTHERS...IT WAS MY FAULT...)

> 2) I want a broader acceptance of the AAUP definition of sexual
> harassment. By this, I mean that if there is a) a power differential; b) a
> supervisory relationship; c) any attempt at a romantic and/or sexual
> relationship, that it is therefore sexual harassment. Why? Because I'm
> tired of guys boffing their secretaries and going home to their wives.
> And, not that this has any relevance to anything whatsoever[1], guys
> spending more corporate money flying their mistress around than they will
> spend on education for their staff.
> 3) I'll let you know when I wake up....I must finish writing. I must
> finish writing.
> [1] of course it does!


The age on consent in Canada is 14. But the supervisory, power relationshp stuff
is taken much more seriously. Coachers, teacher and the like. The legal code is
sensible and takes into account: "THe CROWN AND THE HEART SHOULD BE FAR APART.
The powers of authoruty should not interefere in affairs of the heart.

Whether this coud be done for adults. Well I highly doubt it. I doubt one can
get that done here in the US or CANADA. And I don't know whether I want too much
more money flowing into the coffers of the FREE PRESS, which has become a
leading anti-PC publisher.

Ands alas lawyers would have a field day over this issue, Especially, and I am
not a lawyer, except for domestic violence and sex with teenagers below the agge
of consent, there is little 3 party intervention that can be generated.,
especially when the parties are consenting adults.

So much for not posting to issues. :)

Have Fun,
Sends Steve

P.S. In general I agree, but cxould someone olease expplain what AAUP is?
ANd any corections if I am wrong

> --
> _Deirdre   *   *
> "Mars has been a tough target" -- Peter G. Neumann, Risks Digest Moderator
> "That's because the Martians keep shooting things down." -- Harlan Rosenthal
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, retorting in Risks Digest 20.60
> ************


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