> A terminology suggestion: "gender" is usually acknowledged to be a social
> construction, whereas "sex" is usually the word for anatomy. So, for
> example, someone may have a "male" sex, but have the gender "man".
Ahh better terms, thank you. :o)
> Note that this isn't a one-to-one mapping; for the sex "male", you could
> have innumerable genders ("fratboy", "leatherfag", "boygeek", "drag
> queen", "neuter", to name a few).
Of course not.
> Talking about gender and sex as non-binary conditions seems useful to
> me--- that's why i suggest this. I think that a lot of the problems geeks
> face could be talked about in terms of gender.
Like I said before, I don't think gender is as black-white as the
stereotypes want it to be. People for the most part are afraid to admit
they are less "male" or "female" than they really are because of the
pressure you mentioned among who knows what else. It is a rough road to
travel, but I wish people would be honest with themselves before they
get caught up in peer pressure (not that it's easy!).
> > Additionally, the history channel is showing something on the "history
> > of sex" all week long. It should be interesting to see how they deal
> > with issues of non-physical gender (i.e. I may physically be male, but I
> > know I am female type gender issues).
> hmm. what times do those air?
I will check. Looks like 10:00 PM EST/PST. You might check
http://www.historychannel.com/ontv/index.html or
http://colby.dhs.org @ Colby - me!
http://ghettobox.dhs.org \|/ ghettoBOX - home!
http://nightspell.dhs.org | NightSpell - irc.dal.net!
http://technopagan.dhs.org / \ TechnoPagan - spirituality!
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