Blackjax wrote:
> -----Original Message-----
> Date: Friday, October 29, 1999 3:50 PM
> Subject: Re: [issues] the adult linux project... (meep)
> >....(I'm not aware of any men who are
> >concerned about men being treated possibly as sex objects)....
> Niether am I, but my view is that women being different from men,
> they simply objectify in a different way. When women objectify
> men, they make men into a source of income/stability/support.
> Just as not all men objectify women for sex, not all, or even most,
> women do this, but it is being done.
> Objectification of women is a bad thing, but at least is gets
> recognized for what it is, objectification of men generally does
> not. Try having another person look at you as simply their free
> meal ticket through life, the thing that will keep them from ever
> having to try very hard at anything, and then tell me its not a
> scary thing.
> Sorry for the rant, I'm in a strange mood.
> ************
But are these diffference "real" or are they constructed. Or even if
they are real, they can be some what "overloaded" ot "over constructed."
For example, the physical strength thing which many will feel is
natural. Well something may be there, but women are encouraged to "stay
weak" to be desirable. So what's is really there is exaggerasted,
becuase society has believed a lot in viva-a-difference sorts of things,
and taught men that one of their major jobs is to protect women. ANd may
men would be chagrined if a woman took up their defense in a physical
Some of men's protective behavior often seems suspicious. Like scaring
women off of their "harem" or something. So it does get weird. But I
have been seen it happened. If you ask the guy whey he did it he will
say. I did it to "protect the women". But it seems suspcious to me. ANd
before anyone starts himans are not sea lions.
So it seems to me whatever might be there "naturally" has so much scoail
stuff overloaded it is difficult to see what is real and what is social
overload. The same with money, and the "surf and turf" ritual that
exists in some parts of the country etc.
Curious question wonder what would happen if one made up a theme of big
strong women carrying say 150lb (75kg) guys over their shoulder. Wonder
what would happen if people did this. What would the reaction of the
linux /.people would be to that..
Have Fun,
Sends Steve