-----Original Message-----
Date: Friday, October 29, 1999 3:50 PM
Subject: Re: [issues] the adult linux project... (meep)

>....(I'm not aware of any men who are
>concerned about men being treated possibly as sex objects)....

Niether am I, but my view is that women being different from men,
they simply objectify in a different way.  When women objectify
men, they make men into a source of income/stability/support.
Just as not all men objectify women for sex, not all, or even most, 
women do this, but it is being done.

Objectification of women is a bad thing, but at least is gets 
recognized for what it is, objectification of men generally does
not.  Try having another person look at you as simply their free
meal ticket through life, the thing that will keep them from ever
having to try very hard at anything, and then tell me its not a 
scary thing.

Sorry for the rant, I'm in a strange mood.

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