Hmm...on the topic of 'demoralizing' screenshots and locker room antics...
- I think if someone has demoralizing views of the opposite sex, those views were
probably put in
place long before they started picking their KDE backgrounds. I don't really have a
strong opinion
either way when it comes to pornography (or seductive media in general) , so long as
it only involves
consenting adults. However, I don't think that pictures of naked people are going to
change how
someone feels about the opposite sex either way.
- If someone constantly assumes that everyone of the opposite sex is out 'for a good
time', then
there is a definite problem. However, why do some people assume that in the first
place? Because
there are a lot of people interested in cybersex and such. Now I admit I'm the last
person to a) be
interested in cybersex or b) not be offended if someone in say, in #perl starts
hitting on me, but I
think it happens all over the place, all the time. Until everyone gets a better grasp
on the internet
and its proper uses and places for things, this will be a common problem all across
the board. Has
anyone ever asked someone on a completely non-sexual channel what they're doing
hitting on others?
They may very well reply "Well, I meet a lot of (men/women) on this channel I can fool
around with".
Again, the assumption is wrong, IMHO, but if there are (say, in a het man/het woman
situation) women
who have fooled around with the guy on that channel/forum, then the women who are
doing it are only
helping to breed that kind of assumption.
- I still haven't met many men in the linux community who have been anything but very
nice and
supportive of me. I know this isn't always the case, but that's just my experience.
Some of these
guys have alluring women on their desktop themes, but that doesn't mean they don't
respect women in
general. They just find us nice to look at.
- Something to think about: Let's say you're an attached het woman with many male
friends. Do you
look at your male friends the same way you look at your significant other? Or are they
in a
completely different league? If you find your male friends attractive, does that
change how much
respect you have for them, or does it just mean they're attractive? If you lust after
a movie star
and have gawked at his partially naked form in a movie, does that mean you have
disrespect for men,
or does it mean you can appreciate his physique?
Just things to think about, I suppose. Maybe I'm just not feminist enough for some
people ;) I don't
like it when I hear people disrespecting others in any way, but I also know that we do
get attracted
to other people. Our eyes naturally seek out those whom we find alluring, but that
doesn't mean the
respect for the entire sex goes down. I can admire a well-sculpted male body without
thinking that A)
all men should look like this, B) men are only to look at or C) men deserve no
respect. People who
treat members of the opposite sex poorly may have scantilly clad people on their
desktops, or try to
pick up in #linux, but they've most likely always had that problem.
(small disclaimer: I used a lot of heterosexual examples. I'm not saying that
gays/lesbians don't go
through similar things, I was just using personal examples, being a heterosexual woman)
Best regards and everyone have a great weekend :)
Amanda (the recently very quiet one - *hears muffled cheers in the background* *laugh*)