At 07:16 PM 10/6/99 , Deirdre Saoirse wrote:
>> And as soon as you have a life, you're seen as less of a techie in the
>> great dicksize war that is techiedom.  People may envy you for a while,
>> but then they'll start commenting on how you're only working 40-50 hour
>> weeks and not pulling all nighters because you have a life now.  Soon,
>> you're seen as a light-weight, and you can't compete in the race.
>I've actually lost at least one job because of this.

"Only" 40-50 hour weeks?  Yeesh!  I'm reminded of how glad I am to be a
freelancer.  I think that whole "great dicksize war" mentality is pretty
lame.  And it's frustrating to hear that people are forced out of jobs
because of this.  Speaking for myself...I have no interest in "competing"
in this kind of way.  I like being a geek, but I like having a social and
leisure life too.  So count me out of the "rat race".

There's a rant by a Silicon Valley programmer who agrees with me at:

Danyeke "D.J." Swanson
"Artificial stupidity (AS) may be defined as the attempt by computer
scientists to create computer programs capable of causing 
problems of a type normally associated with human thought."
                                --Wallace Marshal


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