On Thursday 22 June 2017 at 17:57:08, Umar Draz wrote:

> Ok thanks for this dummy check.
> One more issue
> I have this url  https://www.umardraz.com/elab/

So try putting that into your check:

> here is my host.conf
> object Host "mysite" {
>    check_command = "dummy"
>   address = "umardraz.com"
>   vars.http_vhosts["www.umardraz.com"] = {
>     http_uri = "/elab"

        http_url = "https://www.umardraz.com/elab/";

>     http_ssl = "true"
>   }
> }

Works for me.


PS: Your server is still not responding to pings - you should fix that (as per 
Gerald's recommendation).

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