On Thursday 22 June 2017 at 16:58:16, Umar Draz wrote:

> Hi Gerald
> This worked
> object Host "mysite" {
>   import "generic-host"
>   address = ""
>   vars.http_vhosts["www.umardraz.com"] = {
>     http_uri = "/"
>     http_ssl = "true"
>   }
> }
> But, this is also a failed solution I have simply disabled ping on my
> server. now host again marked as down. because this "generic-host" doing
> ping4
> I want simply a website monitoring solution not these host, vost or ping
> checking

Aha, now you tell us :)

Add the following line to your Host definition, immediately after the "import" 

        check_command = "dummy"

That will stop the Host check doing ping4 tests to your server.


1. why do you want to disable ping on your server?

2. why don't you want Icinga to tell you if your server goes offline?


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