On 22.06.17 16:58, Umar Draz wrote:
Hi Gerald
This worked
object Host "mysite" {
import "generic-host"
address = ""
vars.http_vhosts["www.umardraz.com <http://www.umardraz.com/>"] = {
http_uri = "/"
http_ssl = "true"
But, this is also a failed solution I have simply disabled ping on my
Don't "disable" pings. A host is supposed to answer to pings. Not
answering is a bad idea. It's in violation of the RFC.
server. now host again marked as down. because this "generic-host" doing
I want simply a website monitoring solution not these host, vost or ping
I would not disable ping.
If you believe in things like "disabling pings", use either the dummy
check on the host object to make it always live. Or use the http check
on the host object and don't use the vars.http_vhosts...
On Thu, Jun 22, 2017 at 7:24 PM, Antony Stone
<mailto:antony.st...@icinga.open.source.it>> wrote:
On Thursday 22 June 2017 at 15:36:02, Umar Draz wrote:
> Please check all screenshots here
> https://www.umardraz.com/screen1.png
> https://www.umardraz.com/screen2.png
Copy and paste would have been sufficient :)
> https://www.umardraz.com/hosts-web.png
This is not the "http" service check - this is a Host check, trying
to connect
on port 80 - that is quite independent of the HTTPS check we are
> https://www.umardraz.com/service.png
That shows that your HTTPS check is working correctly.
Tell us (copy'n'paste, please, rather than a screenshot...) the
output of:
icinga2 object list --name hostalive
I bought a book about anti-gravity. The reviews say you can't put
it down.
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