Rick Troth wrote, in part:
>Eventually Amdahl got out of the mainframe hardware game. They
>spun-off the UTS business which became "UTS Global".

And UTS Global is dead, alas. There's https://uts-global.com/ but it's clearly 
different. I suppose it could be raised from the ashes of the earlier company, 
but since it's in Singapore and the older one was in Aliso Viejo, California, 
that seems unlikely. (Also odd that someone would pick that name, since it 
suggests nothing meaningful and possibly carries baggage from the older 

BTW, I found this on the older company:
"UTS Global LLC operates as a software and service provider. It focuses on 
Linux and Unix operating system development, administration, support, and 
maintenance, application development and porting, including installation, 
configuration, and customization of open source products, device driver 
development, and network design, implementation, and maintenance."

And not to be confused with https://www.utslog.com/eng/ !

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