W dniu 22.01.2025 o 17:50, Paul Gilmartin pisze:
On Wed, 22 Jan 2025 08:53:00 -0600, Jay Maynard  wrote:

And it's a remarkable fact that MVS was the first non-Unix to get POSIX


Or is "POSIX certification" different from "UNIX Branding"?

Otherwise, with that  certification MVS lost its distinction  as a

Perhaps the word "formerly" belongs there somewhere.
Dialectic. Or matter of definition. 1. If your toy car or fishing rod behave as Unix - it is unix. It can mechanical computer, whatever. Black box. 2. Unix is a clone or fork or descendant or child of some Unix. In that case many popular Unixes were not Unix as defined in p.1. Reason: non-compliance with the standard. AFAIR there was a time where some OS/390 was UNIX certified, but HP-UX was not. Or maybe it was Irix, but I believe it was HP-UX. BTW: Unix systems are very similar one to each other... unless we look at "ls" command switches. Or first character in "drwxrwxrwx" (different set of possible values, different meanings). Etc. etc. ;-) Of course Solaris and HP-UX are unixes, despite of their standard-compliance status and mutual differences. Linux is not Unix, because... it is not certified?

Radoslaw Skorupka
Lodz, Poland

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