Paul Gilmartin asked:
>That rift appears to parallel the ASCII-EBCDIC divide. What was the
>first ASCII OS on IBM (or clone) mainframe hardware?

Good question. MUMPS? MUSIC? PICK? I don't know whether any of those were 
ASCII, suspect not. If I had to guess, Linux might be the first: until then, 
you'd be presumably developing the OS under VM (or, God forbid, MVS) so ASCII 
would have seemed harder.

I suggested MUMPS because it *was* multi-platform, started on a PDP-7, so has a 
higher chance of having been ASCII, but still doubt it. I almost took a job in 
1993 or so to be the lead architect at Micronetics for MUMPS/VM, but ultimately 
decided the commute from Northern Virginia to Maryland would be too much. In 
retrospect, I'm probably glad I declined: MUMPS/VM died in 1995--and I'm not 
arrogant enough to think I would have been the difference between its life and 

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