Is there any chance of a change to the C code that implements "splayclass" to 
give me an easy way of selecting a random quarter-hour slot in each 6 hour 
shift? I too have had to up my schedule and reduce my default splay time to 5 
minutes in cf-execd to allow the use of splayclass.

Chris Ritson (Computing Officer and School Safety Officer)

Room 707, Claremont Tower,        EMAIL:
School of Computing Science,      PHONE: +44 191 222 8175
Newcastle University,             FAX  : +44 191 222 8232
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>-----Original Message-----
>From: [mailto:help-cfengine-
>] On Behalf Of Mark
>Sent: 27 April 2011 05:20
>To: Michael Stevens
>Subject: Re: Cfengine Help: Re: Avoiding "Duplicate selection of value"
>No nothing is hardcoded, but the default exec time is 5 minutes. You are
>not missing out.
>On 27 Apr 2011, at 01:09, Michael Stevens <> wrote:
>> I wasn't aware of this. Correct me if I'm wrong, but from reading the
>docs, the "on" interval is hard-coded to 5 minutes, eg, since we're
>running cf3 every 15 minutes from cron, we'd miss 2/3 of the activations
>unless we up our schedule to every 5 minutes.
>> On Apr 26, 2011, at 11:19 AM, wrote:
>>> Have you looked a splayclass?  It can randomize when promises are
>kept without
>>> the overhead of calling a shell.
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