If you don't want the messages about redefinition of constant,
You have to add:
    policy => "free"
to your variable.

      "jobs_in_queue" string => execresult("/usr/bin/lpstat -o -i | 
/usr/bin/grep \"^$(queue)-\" | /usr/bin/wc -l", "useshell"),
         policy => "free";

Louis Francoeur
Unix administrator/Adminstrateur Unix

-----Original Message-----
From: help-cfengine-boun...@cfengine.org 
[mailto:help-cfengine-boun...@cfengine.org] On Behalf Of Jesse Becker
Sent: Monday, April 25, 2011 10:16 PM
To: Michael Stevens
Cc: help-cfengine
Subject: Re: Avoiding "Duplicate selection of value"

On Mon, Apr 25, 2011 at 08:21:21PM -0400, Michael Stevens wrote:
>Is there a preferred method for getting variables using randomint() to stop 
>getting defined once they're set, eg, avoid this;
> !! Redefinition of a constant scalar "rnd" (was 2786 now 195)
> !! Redefinition of a constant scalar "rnd" (was 195 now 2749)
> !! Redefinition of a constant scalar "rnd" (was 2749 now 1852)
>I'm trying to set  a randomized 0/60 minute delay on a command that runs once 
>a day so that all the machines don't fire right at the same time and overload 
>a file server the command tells them to grab a bunch of files from. If there's 
>a better way to do this than embedding an "at" or "sleep" in my command, let 
>me know ...

This isn't a direct answer to your question, but I had to do something
similar.  I wanted the clients to consistantly choose a host from a
list (it happens to be a list of two hosts, but the idea should scale).

I used something like this (untested, use at own risk, formatting
adjusted for clarity in email):

bundle agent foo {

        hostname_hash string => hash(getenv("HOSTNAME","40"),'md5');
        servername    string => execresult(
${hostname_hash} |
                                  /bin/cut -c -16 | 
                                                                 perl -e perl 
statement could'll=qw(hostA hostB);'
'$L=scalar @l;'
                                       -e 'print $l[hex(<>)%$L];'

I actually think this a bit better than a purely random number that
changes each time.  This should give you a "random", but consistant
value for each hostname.

In your case, you just want a number 0-60, so the execresult command
could be replaced with something like:

                /bin/echo ${hostname_hash} |
                /bin/cut -c -16 |
                perl -e 'print <>%61;'"

Note that I've clipped only 16 characters, instead of the full 32 that
come from md5sum, in order to avoid integer overflows in Perl.

Jesse Becker
NHGRI Linux support (Digicon Contractor)
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