We can look into it if you file a feature request, but I'm not sure it's 
desirable. You can still do your updates every 15 mins even though the 
agent wakes up every 5 if you set the ifelapsed default to 15 mins or more.

On 27/04/11 23:32, Michael Stevens wrote:
> We conceivably could, there's not really a reason other than it doesn't seem 
> necessary to update that often. I may well change it just to get splayclass 
> working. Any chance of getting the splayclass interval as a settable 
> parameter?
> On Apr 27, 2011, at 11:54 AM, Mark Burgess wrote:
>> Ah, I see what you mean. Sorry. You're right, one has to assume a resolution 
>> to do the hashing. Any reason why you can't up to 5 min resolution?
>> On 27/04/11 19:48, Michael Stevens wrote:
>>> How would I go about having splayclass work with our current */15 run 
>>> interval?
>>> On Apr 26, 2011, at 9:20 PM, Mark wrote:
>>>> No nothing is hardcoded, but the default exec time is 5 minutes. You are 
>>>> not missing out.
>>>> Mark
>>>> On 27 Apr 2011, at 01:09, Michael Stevens<m...@tippett.com>   wrote:
>>>>> I wasn't aware of this. Correct me if I'm wrong, but from reading the 
>>>>> docs, the "on" interval is hard-coded to 5 minutes, eg, since we're 
>>>>> running cf3 every 15 minutes from cron, we'd miss 2/3 of the activations 
>>>>> unless we up our schedule to every 5 minutes.
>>>>> On Apr 26, 2011, at 11:19 AM, no-re...@cfengine.com wrote:
>>>>>> Have you looked a splayclass?  It can randomize when promises are kept 
>>>>>> without
>>>>>> the overhead of calling a shell.
>>>>>> http://www.cfengine.org/manuals/cf3-reference.html#Function-splayclass
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