Is there a preferred method for getting variables using randomint() to stop 
getting defined once they're set, eg, avoid this;

 !! Redefinition of a constant scalar "rnd" (was 2786 now 195)
 !! Redefinition of a constant scalar "rnd" (was 195 now 2749)
 !! Redefinition of a constant scalar "rnd" (was 2749 now 1852)

I'm trying to set  a randomized 0/60 minute delay on a command that runs once a 
day so that all the machines don't fire right at the same time and overload a 
file server the command tells them to grab a bunch of files from. If there's a 
better way to do this than embedding an "at" or "sleep" in my command, let me 
know ... 
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