On Mon, 3 May 2010 15:07:43 -0400 Wes Rogers <skolpat...@gmail.com> wrote: 

WR> Seems like too much effort to me, IMO when I can just add another
WR> 'cfservd server' behind my LB VIP and call it a day.

You still need a way to propagate policy between multiple cfservd
servers.  What happens when one of them is offline, misses a policy
update, but comes back as far as the load balancer is concerned?  You
either need to bring the out-of-date cfservd up manually or set up a
tightly coupled update process with the load balancer to tell it when
the host is "ready."

Resolving that inconsistency automatically at the cfservd storage
backend is what I mean by a backend with "eventual consistency."

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