I'm talking about 5,000 systems each updating about 50MB of policy data 
over a 1-2 hour span.

Paul Krizak                         7171 Southwest Pkwy MS B200.3A
MTS Systems Engineer                Austin, TX  78735
Advanced Micro Devices              Desk:  (512) 602-8775
Linux/Unix Systems Engineering      Cell:  (512) 791-0686
Global IT Infrastructure            Fax:   (512) 602-0468

On 04/30/10 10:30, Tim Cutts wrote:
> On 30 Apr 2010, at 4:06 pm, Paul Krizak wrote:
>> Has anybody out there ever tried scaling up a cfengine server (v2.1 or
>> v2.2) on a really big, fast server?  I'm thinking on the order of 4
>> sockets, 24 cores, and a 10Gbit NIC.
>> This is to support a particularly massive (and temporary) flood of
>> cfagent requests to synchronize their local policy.  It's going to be a
>> lot easier to scale the server up in this case rather than adjust the
>> policy to distribute requests to multiple cfservd's.
> How many clients are you talking about?  And how much policy?  I have 2300 
> clients updating policy once an hour from a small 1GigE-connected, dual 
> socket server (four cores total) which also runs Splunk and nagios, so is 
> quite busy with other things, and it copes just fine, with a load average of 
> 0.38.  Total size of all policy files on my setup is 2.9 MB.  cfengine 
> version is 2.2.8.   The SplayTime is also one hour, so the cfengine load on 
> the server is more or less steady.
> Tim

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