Seems like too much effort to me, IMO when I can just add another
'cfservd server' behind my LB VIP and call it a day.

Some organizations which have different groups managing multiple sets
of configs would have a harder time doing that but..


2010/5/2 Ted Zlatanov <>:
> On Fri, 30 Apr 2010 11:30:28 -0500 Paul Krizak <> wrote:
> PK> The main thing I'm asking is if anybody has had any experience scaling
> PK> up a cfservd to this much work, and whether or not it fell over.
> ...
> PK> I'm talking about 5,000 systems each updating about 50MB of policy data
> PK> over a 1-2 hour span.
> I've been interested in Cassandra, which is an efficient distributed
> database.  It may be of interest to you as well.  It has C bindings and
> could serve as the backend of a distributed cfservd.  It scales nearly
> linearly with the number of servers so accomodating your load is a
> simple matter of adding more servers.
> The main philosophical point is that Cassandra (like Amazon's Dynamo) is
> eventually consistent, unlike the standard cfservd backend and
> traditional RDBMSs.  I'd be interested in any thoughts from Mark Burgess
> and others on how eventually consistent policy distribution methods can
> fit in with the cfengine convergence model (if any existing literature
> already addresses this, I'd love to find it).
> Ted
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