> IMO A mingw solution will be good

It's not good because in Harbour we've a basic 
goal to be _portable_.

> Mingw/GCC is most used C compiler in harbour
> I bad explain but i think it might be very handy to have inside main
> .prg one  directive(s) about  libraries inclusion.
> In first use of harbour user have two problem
>   - Wich library i must load?
>   - How resolve Unresolved external
> IMO same #pragma will resolve either

No, it won't. I took the time to reply to this 
issue in details a few month (?) ago, so please 
take the time to read it, and continue from that 
point. Popping up a topic and ignoring the 
answer is neither very polite nor very useful.

F.e. please explain how will harbour compiler 
find the headers of your dependency? Also think 
about how the possible dependencies of your 
dependency will be added to the build?

You could also explain, why adding 'mypkg.hbc' 
to the build cmdline is worse than adding 
'#pragma "mypkglib1.lib"' to each source 
that might use that package?

What happens if one dependency consists of 
multiple libs? Should the user remember to 
list each of them in each source? What happens 
if the lib packager decides to change the 
internal layout or names of the libs? Will 
you want to go through all source files and 
change it each time? How will 
"#pragma "mylib.lib" be portable between 
compilers? Should the compiler know about 
the different lib naming schemes of all the 
compilers we support?

Anyhow I think the first thing you should do 
before for yet another feature, is to look at 
the problem as a whole and decide what is the 
issue you _really_ want to solve here, and 
check whether there exist a solution for it 

Having features and hacks just to have them, 
or without good reason is not something we 
welcome in Harbour.

IMO .hbc files are just a ton better to 
solve this problem, and portable. Try it.


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