> It wasn't my intention make you reply that, I just do a statement trying to 
> wide the view about the problem. As I wrote I completely agree about the 
> whole decision and specially your last paragraphs as below. Maybe my poor 
> English have been confusing about my message.

Sorry if message seemed to offend you, I didn't mean 
it that way, and any opinion or reaction (like yours) 
which leads toward any direction is always useful 
to hear and very much welcome. I tried to 
reiterate on the key problems, in the hope this time 
it gets a reception (again not just by you, but 
everyone interested in this or pushing the problem).

BTW, back to dropping "legacy" stuff is an 
interesting topic, but at the same time the 
_hottest potato_. As time goes by we can revisit 
such topics, since probably it won't make sense 
to support f.e. MS-DOS or Windows 95 ten years 
from now, or there will be a point where Clipper 
cross-compatibility won't be a real-life issue 
anymore, since there won't be any real systems 
running MS-DOS apps. We will see it in the future, 
and we will see what are those parts which we 
can benefit from by revising them. F.e. 8.3 
naming limit, or non-UNICODE Windows builds, or 
building Harbour on MS-DOS hosts, to mention 
some of these from recent times, and there are 
language-related items here as well. For sure 
for now all of these seem too early to address, 
and usually stir a lot of heat, that's why we 
should rather concentrate on stuff which is 
inline with our current goals and possibilities.


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