Viktor Szakáts wrote: > > > I'll implement a trick to solve this for xhb users. > >
I do not know if it will make-up in hnMK2, I understand your concerns, but the code below, and I am sure it has greater margins to be refined, if included in hbMK2 will solve the problem for applications which mix compile time switches in not an organized way. It also does not break anything in hbMK2, simply hangs in untils someone uses it : Line # 3996 ( a couple of lines up ) ====================================== /* Use external compiler */ IF !empty( GetEnv( "HB_COMPILE_SINGLE_SOURCE" ) ) FOR EACH cPrg IN l_aPRG_TODO tmp := "" ; cSwitches := "" IF ( nAt := at( ";", cPrg ) ) > 0 tmp := substr( cPrg, nAt + 1 ) cPrg := substr( cPrg, 1, nAt - 1 ) ENDIF IF !empty( tmp ) tmp := hb_aTokens( alltrim( tmp ), "-" ) aeval( tmp, {|e| cSwitches += iif( empty( e ), "", " -" + e ) } ) ENDIF cCommand := FN_Escape( DirAddPathSep( PathSepToSelf( l_cHB_BIN_INSTALL ) ) + cBin_CompPRG + cBinExt, nCmd_Esc ) +; " " + iif( hbmk[ _HBMK_lCreateLib ] .OR. hbmk[ _HBMK_lCreateDyn ], "-n1", iif( hbmk[ _HBMK_nHBMODE ] != _HBMODE_NATIVE, "-n", "-n2" ) ) +; iif( hbmk[ _HBMK_lBLDFLGP ], " " + hb_Version( HB_VERSION_FLAG_PRG ), "" ) +; iif( ! Empty( GetEnv( "HB_USER_PRGFLAGS" ) ), " " + GetEnv( "HB_USER_PRGFLAGS" ), "" ) +; iif( ! Empty( hbmk[ _HBMK_aOPTPRG ] ), " " + ArrayToList( hbmk[ _HBMK_aOPTPRG ] ), "" ) +; " " + cPrg + cSwitches cCommand := AllTrim( cCommand ) IF hbmk[ _HBMK_lTRACE ] IF ! hbmk[ _HBMK_lQuiet ] hbmk_OutStd( hbmk, I_( "Harbour compiler command:" ) ) ENDIF OutStd( cCommand + _OUT_EOL ) ENDIF IF ! hbmk[ _HBMK_lDONTEXEC ] .AND. ( tmp := hb_processRun( cCommand ) ) != 0 hbmk_OutErr( hbmk, hb_StrFormat( I_( "Error: Running Harbour compiler. %1$s" ), hb_ntos( tmp ) ) ) IF ! hbmk[ _HBMK_lQuiet ] OutErr( cCommand + _OUT_EOL ) ENDIF IF ! hbmk[ _HBMK_lIGNOREERROR ] IF hbmk[ _HBMK_lBEEP ] DoBeep( .F. ) ENDIF RETURN 6 ENDIF ENDIF NEXT ELSE ================================================ I know it is not the right way, but not to investigate in hbMK2, I could get this large projects compiled and linked with hbIDE. ----- enjoy hbIDEing... Pritpal Bedi -- View this message in context: Sent from the harbour-devel mailing list archive at _______________________________________________ Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)