>> About an idea of completely different implementation of pragma >> I want remember that xbase++ support an intersting preprocessor directive >> #pragma library ("mylib.lib") >> Is possible implement also in harbour for minigw? >> or at least adapt something like >> #pragma BEGINDUMP >> #pragma comment( lib, "mylib.lib" ) >> #pragma ENDDUMP > > This is not portable extension. I can implement it inside PP but > it will not change the fact that most of C compilers/platforms used > by Harbour do not support storing library references inside .o|.obj > files so it will not work.
Plus, as we've discussed each time Massimo brought this up, it wouldn't resolve the dependency problem at all as a whole. (dependency isn't just about the libs). To have a more fruitful discussion, maybe requestors should read the arguments and add to it. Repeating the request isn't helping much. Viktor _______________________________________________ Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB) Harbour@harbour-project.org http://lists.harbour-project.org/mailman/listinfo/harbour